Our Mission

St. Louis Yoga Week is a weeklong celebration June 14 – 21, 2020 of all things yoga, meditation, and mindfulness in the greater St. Louis area.

The official programming is taking place exclusively online, with 35 different offerings ranging in topics from yoga philosophy, meditation, mythology, classical Indian dance, trauma-informed yoga, sound therapy, restorative yoga, accessible yoga, and more, featuring nearly 50 local yoga and meditation practitioners and teachers

St. Louis Yoga Week FAQ

Events, classes, lectures, workshops and more will be run by a number of studios, gyms, and individual yoga teachers. STLYW will include a list of community events on our website, while also curating a series of official events throughout the week and all day on Sunday, June 21.

In 2020, all official STLYW events will be offered virtually. Community events likely will be primarily held online, although a few might be in person. Official programming can be found streamed live on our Facebook page or the homepage of our website.

Anyone who teaches, practices, loves, or is interested in trying yoga or meditation in the greater St. Louis area has the opportunity to participate in STLYW. Participation might include becoming an ambassador, attending a class or workshop, donating to the St. Louis Yoga Teacher Relief Fund, or connecting with other yogis via social media.

Anyone who loves yoga is invited to become an ambassador, whether you are a yoga teacher, a studio owner, a blossoming yogi, a long-time practitioner, or even an organization that is committed to sharing mindfulness within your community. 

Ambassadors will receive a digital kit with all kinds of goodies to help promote St. Louis Yoga Week and to get involved themselves. Visit our Ambassador page to sign up.

Features of yoga studios, teachers, and yoga students, marketing around special yoga offerings including asana as well as philosophy, lectures, interviews, and a fundraiser to raise money for grants to support yoga-related programming. In 2020, fundraising will be to support local yoga teachers impacted by COVID19 disruptions, and Black yoga teachers supporting their communities through yoga and mindfulness.

Absolutely! St. Louis Yoga Week is a great opportunity to learn about the different styles of yoga as well as meet local yoga studios and teachers so you can find a great fit for starting your yoga practice.

As a way to support our community, we have established the St. Louis Yoga Teacher Relief Fund to create grant opportunities for two eligible groups of individuals:

*Yoga Teachers who have experienced a significant financial impact in the midst of the pandemic

*Black Yoga Teachers who continue to share the practice focusing on the Black community for self-regulation and resiliency to combat the impact of institutional racism in our city and country.

Relief Fund recipients will receive a $500 grant, to be used as a personal stipend to cover living expenses (rent, utilities, groceries, healthcare costs, etc.) The number of grants available will depend on the funds raised through June 21, 2020.

Learn more, make a donation and apply here.

St. Louis Yoga Week is volunteer-run by yoga lovers across the city. Our advisory board is Kate Ewing, Surekha Bidap, Laurie Brockhaus, Amber Howlett, Monica Stoutenburough, and Elle Brodsky. Our website was designed by Kelsey Niederer. St. Louis non-profit Yoga Buzz is acting as fiscal sponsor, meaning they are facilitating collecting and distributing funds for the St. Louis Yoga Teacher Relief Fund.
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